地 址 :辽宁省瓦房店市太阳街道办事处和风路一号
销 售 部 : 0411-85621575
供 应 部 : 0411-66508055
售后服务部 : 0411-85621575
厂部 电话 : 0411-85360766
厂部 传真 :0411-85360015
邮 编 :116300
网 址 :www.wdkg.com
型号 XJ-变频控制箱
颜色 驼皱
规格 800*1400*250
分类 变频控制箱
材质 镀锌冷轧板
Model XJ-inverter control box
Color Camel wrinkle
Specification 800*1400*250
Classification inverter control box
Material Galvanized cold rolled sheet
Product Features (including product descriptions, detailed parameters and characteristics, etc.) The inlet main switches are dual power automatic transfer switches that can automatically switch between the common power supply and standby power and achieve the start and stop of control motor by pull-in and release of button on the control AC contactor, the motor speed is controlled by the given signal sent from the transmissible pressure gauge by the inverter for the constant pressure water supply.
Product description Inverter constant pressure water supply system is widely used for water supply for residential areas, hotel, hot and cold water supply in bath center. Please contact us for specific product price due to different brand of elements when ordering.